Converging Passages

918 Bathurst Gallery, Toronto, Ontario. 

Featuring David Chinyama and Curtia Wright. 

Jan 31 - Feb 15, 2019

This exhibition showcased the work of Curtia Wright and David Chinyama in the process of recognizing their roots, their background and their history.  Their work is centred around different time frames of colonization and each personal story shapes a passage that redefines profound aspects of their identities and beliefs, as they reflect towards their cultural traditions while they are immersed on a journey of self-searching.

Curtia’s practice gravitates towards Jamaican and African folklore and mythology. For this exhibition, she reflects on the idea of the ‘passage’, what that entails, and how her ancestors did not have the privilege of choosing their passage. 

David’s work often speaks about identity, politics, and socio-economic and religious matters through the  use of form, colour and movement. For this show, he worked towards the idea of the reintegration and incorporation of the self. Repurposing and reworking some of his previous pieces, David created layers of time, overlapping past and present to envision the future.

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