BAM: Brindis, Arte, Música

Artscape Young Place, Toronto, Ontario.

Featuring Andrea Bermúdez, André Lopez, Mariana Bolaños, Mao Correa, Jasmine Cardenas, Vero Diaz, denirée Isabel, Camila Salcedo, Olas York Collective and Muse Arts.

Sept 16 – 22, 2018

Inspired by the Voices for Change program offered in 2015 – 2017 to young people with Latin American heritage, the BAM 2018 Exhibition has expanded to feature more Latinx artists, support knowledge exchange, and present art projects from other organizations to shine a light on the three themes explored in 2018:  Gender Freedom, Solidarity and Roots Revival.  

Gender Freedom, Roots Revival and Solidarity are themes that have deep meaning for people with Latin American heritage, as well as for people from many cultures around the world.  With a vision for compassion and social justice across borders, the purpose of the BAM project was to create greater awareness of the diverse world around us, and to encourage openness and tolerance across all borders for all people.

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